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🏗ī¸ Integration Configuration

This section explains the structure of the config.yaml file.

config.yaml file​

The config.yaml file is used to specify the default configuration and parameters for the integration during its deployment phase.

When an integration is first started, it registers itself with Port's REST API, using the route.

During this first boot registration, it uses the configuration specified in the config.yaml file for its default inputs and parameters (unless those are overridden by the environment variables of the running environment/shell)


Here is a brand new config.yaml file created as part of the ocean new command:

# This is an example configuration file for the integration service.
# Please copy this file to config.yaml file in the integration folder and edit it to your needs.
initializePortResources: true
scheduledResyncInterval: 1440 # 60 minutes X 24 hours = 1 day
clientId: "{{ from env PORT_CLIENT_ID }}" # Can be loaded using environment variable: PORT_CLIENT_ID
clientSecret: "{{ from env PORT_CLIENT_SECRET }}" # Can be loaded using environment variable: PORT_CLIENT_SECRET
# The event listener to use for the integration service.
type: KAFKA
# The identifier of this integration instance.
identifier: "{{ from env INTEGRATION_IDENTIFIER }}"
# The type of the integration.
type: "My Integration type (Gitlab, Jira, etc.)"
myGitToken: "{{ from env MY_GIT_TOKEN }}"
someApplicationUrl: ""

Let's go over the different sections and their allowed values:

initializePortResources - Initialize Port resources​

This configuration is used to specify whether the integration should initialize its default resources in Port as described in the integration specification.

By default, this feature value is set to false. To enable it, set the value to true.

initializePortResources: true

scheduledResyncInterval - Run scheduled resync​

This configuration is used to specify the interval in minutes in which the integration should initiate a full resync from the 3rd-party system.

By default, this feature is disabled in most integrations. To enable it, set the value to a positive integer representing the interval in minutes.


If a resync event is received by your integration while it is actively performing a resync, the currently running resync will be aborted and a new resync process will start.

If a new resync trigger consistently aborts a running resync, it means that your integration never finishes a complete resync process (which means some information from the 3rd-party system might never appear in Port).

If you specify a scheduledResyncInterval, we recommend that you start with a larger buffer between resyncs (2 hours are almost always enough), and reduce the resync buffer only if you need more frequent automatic updates.


Unlike the Polling event listener, this configuration will start the resync regardless of whether there are any changes in the Port App Config.

scheduledResyncInterval: 1440 # 60 minutes X 24 hours = 1 day

port - Port API credentials​

clientId: "{{ from env PORT_CLIENT_ID }}" # Can be loaded using environment variable: PORT_CLIENT_ID
clientSecret: "{{ from env PORT_CLIENT_SECRET }}" # Can be loaded using environment variable: PORT_CLIENT_SECRET

This section is used to provide the integration with credentials to Port's API.

The required parameters are the Port client ID and client secret. As seen in the default configuration, these parameters are taken from the environment variables of the environment running the integration:

  • Port client ID - taken from the PORT_CLIENT_ID environment variable
  • Port client secret - taken from the PORT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable

For local development, it is possible to export the client ID and secret as environment variables to your shell with the following commands:


It is also possible to replace the environment variables import syntax ("{{ from env PORT_CLIENT_ID }}") with the real value of your Port client ID and secret:

clientId: "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>"
clientSecret: "<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>"

Remember that your Port client ID and secret are API credentials which are sensitive and whose values should not be committed to git


In case you directly write the client ID and secret in the port section, when publishing the integration the values in this section need to be returned to their defaults so that they properly read the credentials from the environment variables

eventListener - how to trigger & resync an integration​

# The event listener to use for the integration service.
type: KAFKA

This section is used to specify the type of event listener the integration will use to receive events and resync requests from Port.

The following event listener types are supported:

  • POLLING - the integration will automatically query Port for updates in the integration configuration and perform a resync if changes are detected
  • KAFKA - the integration will consume incoming resync requests from your dedicated Kafka topic, provisioned to you by Port
  • WEBHOOK - the integration will be triggered by HTTP POST requests made to the URL provided in the configuration

To learn more about a specific event listener, click on its name in the list.

integration - configure the integration object in Port​

# The identifier of this integration instance.
identifier: "{{ from env INTEGRATION_IDENTIFIER }}"
# The type of the integration.
type: "My Integration type (Gitlab, Jira, etc.)"
config: ...

This section is used to specify the integration type (for display in Port) and the integration identifier to uniquely identify the integration in case a user has multiple deployments of an integration of the same type.

The required parameters are the integration type (this field should match the type specified in the integration specification) and the integration identifier. In addition to those, an integration can define as many additional parameters and inputs under the config object:

config - integration inputs and parameters​
myGitToken: "{{ from env MY_GIT_TOKEN }}"
someApplicationUrl: ""

This section is used to specify the inputs and parameters required by the integration, an integration can use any number of required parameters and inputs. Inputs can either be static hard-coded values, or dynamic values taken from the environment variables of the running environment/shell.

As the integration developer, you can use the config object to receive as many inputs from the user as you require for the integration's proper operation, some common example inputs for the config object:

  • Secret tokens and credentials to access 3rd-party services
  • URLs to APIs the integration will send requests to that are not static. For example, the Ocean integration for Jira receives a jiraHost parameter that specifies the URL of the user's Jira, for example:
  • Parameters used to configure the integration behavior. For example, a pageSize parameter to specify the amount of entries queried from a 3rd-party service when performing a data resync
  • etc