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🕹ī¸ Trigger your Integration

This guide explains how you can trigger your integration using Port.

After setting up & running your integration, you can trigger it using Port's UI/API.

Triggering your integration will run the integration resync and will resync all the data from the source into port and creating new data, update existing data and delete data that no longer exists in the source by doing so.


If a resync event is received by your integration while it is actively performing a resync, the currently running resync will be aborted and a new resync process will start.

If a new resync trigger consistently aborts a running resync, it means that your integration never finishes a complete resync process (which means some information from the 3rd-party system might never appear in Port).

If you specify a scheduledResyncInterval, we recommend that you start with a larger buffer between resyncs (2 hours are almost always enough), and reduce the resync buffer only if you need more frequent automatic updates.

Triggering using Port's UI​

  1. Login to Port and browse to the builder page.

  2. Open the ingest modal by expanding one of the blueprints and clicking the ingest button on the blueprint.

    Ingest Button


    Ingest Button

  3. Select the integration you want to trigger a resync for from the list of your installed integrations.

  4. Click on the Resync button.

    Installation Page

Triggering using Port's API​

By patching the integration either with a new configuration or by patching it with no changes, The integration will detect the trigger and perform a resync.

  1. Navigate to the Port API.
  2. Click on the Authorize button and set your token in the Value field.
  3. Under the Integrations section, use the integration PATCH route using the integration identifier as specified in the config.yaml file of your integration.