🔈 Event Listener
The Ocean framework provides built-in support for multiple event listeners. The event listener is used to receive events and resync requests from Port and forward them to the running Ocean integration.
Ocean integration events
An Ocean integration needs to react and perform tasks based on events arriving both from Port, and from the 3rd-party service that it integrates with.
By configuring an event listener the integration will listen to and react to the following events sent from Port:
- Configuration update - the integration will use the data of the new configuration to perform a resync of information from the 3rd-party
- Resync request - the integration will perform a resync of data from the 3rd-party to Port based on the existing configuration
The following event listener types are supported:
- the integration will automatically query Port for updates in the integration configuration and perform a resync if changes are detectedKAFKA
- the integration will consume incoming resync requests from your dedicated Kafka topic, provisioned to you by PortWEBHOOK
- the integration will be triggered by HTTP POST requests made to the URL provided in the configuration
The event listeners that are currently available do not support multiple instances of the same integration
If a resync event is received by your integration while it is actively performing a resync, the currently running resync will be aborted and a new resync process will start.
If a new resync trigger consistently aborts a running resync, it means that your integration never finishes a complete resync process (which means some information from the 3rd-party system might never appear in Port).
If you specify a scheduledResyncInterval
, we recommend that you start with a larger buffer between resyncs (2 hours are almost always enough), and reduce the resync buffer only if you need more frequent automatic updates.
# Optional parameters
resyncOnStart: True
interval: 60
The polling event listener configures the Ocean integration to query Port at pre-determined intervals and check for any configuration changes or requests for data resync.
Update flow
When an integration is configured with the polling event listener, the resync/update flow is:
- The user updates the integration configuration in Port
- The integration's polling interval expires and it performs another query to get the latest configuration
- The integration detects a change in configuration or a resync requests and performs the resync
To use the polling event listener, set the type
field to POLLING
in the integration configuration:
Available parameters
The parameters available to configure the polling event listener:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
resyncOnStart | Whether to perform a manual resync from the 3rd party upon integration startup | True |
interval | The time in seconds, between queries to Port to check for configuration changes and resync requests | 60 |
The interval
parameter should be set to a value high enough to perform a full resync from the 3rd-party. Otherwise another resync process might start mid-way and create an infinite recurring resync
type: KAFKA
# Optional parameters
brokers: "b-1-public.publicclusterprod.t9rw6w.c1.kafka.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com:9196"
consumerPollTimeout: 1
The Kafka event listener configures the Ocean integration to check the customer's dedicated Kafka topic for any configuration changes or requests for data resync.
Update flow
When an integration is configured with the Kafka event listener, the resync/update flow is:
- The user updates the integration configuration in Port
- Port publishes a message with the latest configuration to the customer's Kafka topic
- The integration consumes the new message from the Kafka topic to get the latest configuration
- The integration detects a change in configuration or a resync requests and performs the resync
To use the Kafka event listener, set the type
field to KAFKA
in the integration configuration:
type: KAFKA
Available parameters
The parameters available to configure the Kafka event listener:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
brokers | A comma-separated list of Kafka brokers that the integration will use to check for configuration changes and resync requests | Port's Kafka broker addresses |
consumerPollTimeout | The time in seconds, the Kafka consumer waits for messages before returning an empty response | 1 |
The Kafka event listener comes out-of-the-box with sane defaults which abstract the connection to Port's Kafka brokers. While it is possible to change them, it is usually unnecessary
appHost: "https://my-ocean-integration.example.com"
The webhook event listener configures the Ocean integration to react to web requests that provide it with the latest configuration changes or requests for data resync.
Update flow
When an integration is configured with the webhook event listener, the resync/update flow is:
- The user updates the integration configuration in Port
- Port sends an HTTP request with latest configuration to the configured
- The integration receives the new request to get the latest configuration
- The integration detects a change in configuration or a resync requests and performs the resync
To use the webhook event listener, set the type
field to WEBHOOK
and provide a the address used to contact the integration instance in the appHost
field in the integration configuration:
appHost: "https://my-ocean-integration.example.com"
Available parameters
The parameters available to configure the webhook event listener:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
appHost | The URL of the integration instance | null |
The appHost
parameter must be a URL that Port can send requests to. Port's requests will always arrive from a closed-list of available IP addresses which can be found in Port's security documentation